Your impact is immediate.
Donate to Habitat for Humanity of Bulloch Conty

We Welcome Your Donation
Funding for Habitat for Humanity of Bulloch County comes from fundraising events and programs, and monetary and in-kind donations from individuals, churches, groups, and companies that are concerned about the presence of poverty housing in our community. Habitat for Humanity of Bulloch County also receives grant funds from Habitat for Humanity International and contributes a portion of the funds we raise — a tithe — to help with international building efforts by Habitat for Humanity.
Ways to Support
There are many different methods to support Habitat for Humanity of Bulloch County. Other methods include the following:
Donate Cash | MAGIK (Materials and Gifts in Kind) | Donate Appreciated Stock |
Donate to ReStore Donate a Car to the ReStore |
Meals for Volunteers or Homeowner Events |
Corporate Giving |
Hold Fundraising Events | Include Habitat in Your Will or as an insurance beneficiary |
Donate Land |
Contribute to Habitat Fundraisers | Make a Memorial Gift | House Sponsorships |
Two of our main fundraisers are the Flag Program and the annual Serving for Shelter Pickleball Tournament. Both of these owe their success to a dedicated group of volunteer workers and board members. Participants in the Flag program pay a small annual fee to have an American flag placed in their yard on five holidays during the year. The Serving for Shelter Pickleball tournament is held every summer. We welcome players of all skill levels to participate, and sponsorships are available.
Sponsoring A House
Each Habitat house in Bulloch County is sponsored by a group which contributes funding and usually provides some or most of the labor to build the house. The average cost for a Habitat house is about $60-70,000. The sponsorship amount is a minimum of $10,000. The sponsor fee is applied directly to materials and construction costs of sponsored house. The balance of costs comes from direct contributions, affiliate fund-raising projects and mortgage payments paid by current Habitat homeowners, and supporting sponsorships. Most sponsors provide all or some of the volunteer labor to build their sponsored house. Funding-only sponsorships are also welcome. Habitat will solicit additional volunteer labor as appropriate.
Potential Sponsors
Any organization is welcome to sponsor a Habitat house, including businesses, churches and civic groups. A sponsor may be a single organization, or a group of organizations that decides within its members how much each organization will raise. In addition to the satisfaction of helping the community, most groups report a greater sense of unity and personal growth among participants in the building project. Individuals may also sponsor homes, and memorial sponsorships are welcomed. Sponsors are asked to participate in groundbreaking or worksite blessing ceremonies, and dedication ceremonies upon completion of the house. Sponsors provide lunches for their volunteers on the work site. Sponsors are asked to provide crew leaders and other volunteer leaders for their house. Sponsors are asked to not make any gifts of clothing, furniture, etc. to homeowners while house is under construction.

Cars, Trucks, Boats and more for Homes
Cars, trucks, boats, RV's, motorcycles, construction or farm equipment donations or any other vehicle ― running or not! are ways to support the mission of Habitat for Humanity of Bulloch County.
When you donate a car to Spike's ReStore, you will help Habitat Bulloch build houses with families in need of affordable shelter. If you donate an automobile or other vehicle, you may be eligible for a tax deduction.
Circle of Faith
Local churches, who understand our Christian mission, have been among our strongest supporters since our founding in 1991, helping us in ways large and small, as we have built our first 65 houses. Right now, four more families are waiting for the simple blessing of the opportunity to buy a home of their own that they can afford. The mission of Habitat for Humanity of Bulloch County is to provide that opportunity to these families – and to the many other families in need of simple, decent, housing. We invite all the churches in our community to join our mission through the Habitat Circle of Faith. Through this partnership, your church can support Habitat in the way that suits your congregation.
What do Churches Provide to Habitat?
Prayers and spiritual support
Labor – Volunteers and skilled leadership, family partner volunteers
Resources – Funding, n-kind donations, possible building sites
Affirmation within the community
Potential for long-term growing relationships
What does Habitat Provide to Churches?
Many churches begin their partnership with Habitat for Humanity out of a desire to help other people. They are delighted to discover how working with Habitat benefits them.
Being a Habitat partner:
Provides a way for churches to engage in ministry with an established Christian housing organization that has an excellent reputation.
Allows a church to participate in a ministry of service that has a beginning and an end.
Provides church members with a tangible opportunity to put faith into action both locally and globally and to see tangible evidence of their faith after the project is over.
Leads many people to grow in their faith and desire to serve God.
Builds community within the congregation and among all who work on a Habitat project.
Provides for important and meaningful connections among Christians.
Offers people a comfortable way to share God’s love.
Gives individuals with a variety of skills the chance to respond to the needs of others.
Often attracts new members and involves inactive members by providing people with an opportunity and to see tangible results of their faith efforts as they work side by side with other people.
Has stirred enthusiasm among members of many congregations who have then sought more opportunities for ministry
Communicates the message of being a caring and compassionate congregation called to action.
Makes a congregation step out in faith and rely on God when the inevitable and unforeseeable problems arise
Helps generate a healthy pride within the congregation.
Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, “Whom shall I send, and who will go for us?” And I said “Here am I; send me!” – Isaiah 6:8
Circle of Faith commitments
Pray for the success of Habitat’s mission, families and volunteers.
Give access to church communications (bulletin, bulletin boards) to announce Habitat activities including family selection, need for volunteers/donations and fundraisers.
Provide a contact person to serve as liaison between Habitat and church and attend Circle of Faith meetings (frequency to be determined, but no more often than every three months).
Habitat Faith Partner:
Make a regular financial contribution (monthly, quarterly, annually or each time a house is completed) to Habitat for Humanity of Bulloch County – appropriate to the size and resources of your congregation.
Habitat Nehemiah Partner:
Make a total annual contribution of $1,000 or more for program support:
$1,000 – enough to buy sheetrock
$2,500 – enough to buy flooring or vinyl siding
$5,000 – enough to buy the lot or roof
Habitat Covenant Partner
Participate in the financial sponsorship of a Habitat house, either individually or in partnership with other churches or organizations.
Sponsor’s financial commitment is $30,000 of the approximately $50,000 cost to build a house. Sponsors normally provide the labor and Saturday lunches for work crews, and participate in groundbreaking and dedication ceremonies.
Everyone Can Participate
Whatever your level of commitment, your church can:
Celebrate Building on Faith Week and the International Day of Prayer and Action the third weekend in September.
Spread the word about Habitat for Humanity’s local and worldwide ministry throughout the community.
Plan a workday for members of your congregation to help build a Habitat house.
Donate un-needed items to the Habitat Home Shop Recommend a member of your church to serve on a Habitat committee or board of directors.
Distribute Habitat devotional calendars and house banks to congregation members.
Provide a meal for a Habitat workday or special event.
Hold a fundraising event or special collection for Habitat.
Invite a speaker from Habitat to speak to your congregation, Sunday School or other organization.
Become a Volunteer
Help us with projects that benefit the organization.
Contact Us
215 Savannah Avenue
P.O. Box 1253
Statesboro, Georgia 30458
Office Hours
9 a.m. – 4 p.m.
Office: (912) 489-2076
Our Staff
Kathy Jenkins, Executive Director
Ext.101 |
Marcus Toole, Community Outreach Coordinator
Ext.103 |
Aaron Marcinkevich, Construction Manager
Teqouya Tann, Advancing Black Homeownership Program Manager
Ext.104 |
Lisa Napier, Administrative Assistant
Ext.102 |
We are pledged to the letter and spirit of U.S. policy for the achievement of equal housing opportunity throughout the nation. We affirm and support an affirmative advertising and marketing program in which there are no barriers to obtaining housing because of race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status, or national origin.