About Us
Habitat for Humanity of Bulloch County
Seeking to put God’s love into action, Habitat for Humanity brings people together to build homes, communities, and hope.

Habitat for Humanity of Bulloch County is part of a global, nonprofit housing organization operated on Christian principles that seeks to put God’s love into action by building homes, communities, and hope. Habitat for Humanity of Bulloch County is dedicated to eliminating substandard housing locally and worldwide through constructing homes; by advocating for fair and just housing policies; and by providing training and access to resources to help families improve their shelter conditions. Habitat for Humanity of Bulloch County was founded on the conviction that every man, woman, and child should have a simple, durable place to live in dignity and safety and that decent shelter in decent communities should be a matter of conscience and action for all.
Habitat for Humanity of Bulloch County believes that everyone needs a decent, affordable place to live and is welcome to help with the work, regardless of race, religion, age, gender, or political views.

Founded in Americus, Georgia, USA, in 1976. Habitat for Humanity today operates around the globe and has helped more than 22 million people build or improve the place they call home.
Founded in 1976 by Millard Fuller along with his wife Linda, and headquartered in Americus, Ga, Habitat for Humanity International’s work in the United States is accomplished by affiliates. Habitat affiliates are independent, nonprofit organizations that are organized by local citizens and operate with local boards and local volunteers. There are more 1,300 U.S. affiliates spread among all 50 states and the District of Columbia. Hundreds of thousands of volunteers provide most of the labor, and faithful individual and corporate donors provide the money and materials to build Habitat houses.
Habitat for Humanity International is a nonprofit, ecumenical Christian housing ministry. Habitat works in partnership with people in need to build and renovate decent, affordable housing. The houses then are sold to those in need, Habitat’s partner families, at no profit and with no interest charged. Partner families invest hundreds of hours of their own labor — sweat equity — into building their homes and the homes of others. Their mortgage payments go into a revolving Fund for Humanity that is used to build more houses.
Habitat for Humanity of Bulloch County was founded in 1991, and constructed its first house in 1992. Since 1992, working in partnership with churches, organizations, business, local government and the families we serve, we have constructed 53 houses and rehabbed three, providing simple, decent housing for 54 families. Habitat for Humanity of Bulloch County is a 501(c)(3) non-profit, registered Georgia corporation and an affiliate of Habitat for Humanity International.
Myths and Facts
MYTH: Habitat for Humanity gives houses to poor people.
TRUTH: Houses are not given to anyone. Habitat for Humanity builds houses with people in need and then sells the houses to homeowner partners through no-profit loans. Because houses are built principally by volunteers, mortgage payments are reasonable for families unable to obtain conventional financing. Habitat homeowners typically have incomes that are 25 percent to 50 percent of the median income in the area. They are required to invest hundreds of hours of “sweat equity” — that is, time sent building their own home, other Habitat houses, or working at the local Habitat for Humanity ReStore.
MYTH: Habitat builds only for minorities.
TRUTH: Habitat doesn’t build houses for anyone. We build houses with people in need, without regard to race. Three criteria drive the family-selection process: need, ability to repay the no-profit mortgage during a 25-year period, and willingness to partner with Habitat. The U.S. Fair Housing Act of 1968 prohibits discrimination in the sale of housing on the basis of race, color, sex, religion, handicap, familial status or national origin. The covenant that all local Habitat affiliates sign with Habitat for Humanity International also specifies that Habitat homeowner families are selected according to criteria that do not discriminate on the basis of race, creed or ethnic background.
MYTH: Habitat homeowners are on welfare.
TRUTH: Like most people with mortgages to pay, Habitat homeowners must have a source of income. In the United States, the large majority of Habitat homeowners work at low-wage jobs in the service or health industry. For example, the nurse who cares for your family in a hospital could be a Habitat homeowner. Sometimes homeowners work more than one job to pay the mortgage. A few families are on public assistance or disability.
MYTH: You have to be a Christian to become a Habitat homeowner.
TRUTH: Habitat for Humanity is a Christian ministry. However, homeowners are chosen without regard to race, creed or nationality — following the requirements of the law as well as Habitat’s belief that God’s love extends to all. Habitat also welcomes volunteers from all faiths — or no faith — who actively embrace the goal of eliminating poverty housing from the world.
MYTH: Habitat houses allow people to move from property to fancy new houses.
TRUTH: Any newly built house is going to be a dramatic change for a family that has been living in a shack, hut or run-down apartment. But Habitat houses are not extravagant by any standard. Habitat’s philosophy is to build simple, decent houses.
MYTH: Habitat houses lower neighborhood property values.
TRUTH: Many studies have shown that affordable housing has no adverse effect on neighborhood property values. Habitat’s approach to affordable housing improves neighborhoods by strengthening community spirit and increasing the tax base while building better citizens through the cooperative efforts involved in Habitat construction.
A recent study found that Habitat homeowners were considered to be good neighbors by other members of their community.
MYTH: Habitat for Humanity is a Southern poverty program.
TRUTH: What has become the international ministry called Habitat for Humanity International started with a handful of people building with families in southwest Georgia and the African Nation of Zaire. Today, Habitat for Humanity has headquarters in Americus and Atlanta, Ga, along with an office in Washington, D.C., and area offices in Pretoria, South Africa; San Jose, Costa Rica; Bratislava, Slovakia; and Bangkok, Thailand. These area offices serve local affiliates and national offices, who are at work in nearly 80 countries and in every state in the United States.
MYTH: Habitat for Humanity is an arm of the government.
TRUTH: Habitat for Humanity International in an independent, non-profit Christian housing ministry. It is not an arm of the government, nor an arm of any particular church denomination. Habitat does accept government funds so long as those funds do not affect Habitat’s ability to proclaim its Christian witness.
MYTH: Habitat for Humanity was started by former U.S. President Jimmy Carter.
TRUTH: Habitat for Humanity International was started in Americus, Ga, in 1976 by the late Millard Fuller, along with his wife Linda. Former U.S. President Jimmy Carter and his wife, Rosalynn, are longtime Habitat supporters and volunteers who help bring national and international attention to the organization’s house-building work. They lead the annual Jimmy & Rosalynn Carter Work Project to help build houses and raise awareness of the need for affordable housing. Since the first work project in 1984, more than 2,000 houses have been built in conjunction with Carter Work Project events.
MYTH: Habitat for Humanity operates through chapters in states and countries throughout the world.
TRUTH: Habitat does not operate through centrally controlled chapters but through locally run affiliates. Affiliates are grassroots organizations of local people coming together to address local housing needs. Each affiliate is an independent nonprofit organization that operates within specific service areas under a covenant relationship with Habitat for Humanity International.
MYTH: Habitat for Humanity builds only in cities — or only in rural areas.
TRUTH: Habitat — through local affiliates — is at work in cities, suburbs and rural areas in highly developed countries and in developing countries. Because poverty housing is so widespread, Habitat’s work goes on 365 days a year in locations throughout the United States and around the world.
MYTH: Poverty Housing is such a large problem that it can never be solved.
TRUTH: Poverty housing is a huge issue. But Habitat believes that by continuing to build houses with people in need, by working with other committed groups, and by putting the issue of poverty housing on the hearts and minds of compassionate people everywhere, the problem can be solved.
Frequently Asked Questions
Read some of the most frequently asked questions regarding Habitat for Humanity and its work around the world.
What is Habitat for Humanity?
Habitat for Humanity is a global nonprofit housing organization working in local communities across all 50 states in the United States and in more than 70 countries around the world. Habitat’s vision is of a world where everyone has a decent place to live. Habitat works toward our vision by building strength, stability and self-reliance in partnership with people and families in need of a decent and affordable home.
How does Habitat for Humanity help families?
People in your community and all over the world partner with Habitat to build or improve a place they can call home. Habitat homeowners help build their own homes alongside volunteers and pay an affordable mortgage.
How does Habitat for Humanity homeownership work?
Families in need of decent, affordable housing apply for homeownership with their local Habitat for Humanity.
Each local Habitat’s family selection committee selects homeowners based on three criteria:
• The applicant’s level of need.
• Their willingness to partner with Habitat.
• Their ability to repay a mortgage through an affordable payment plan.
Habitat’s homebuyers invest hundreds of hours of their own labor, called sweat equity, working alongside volunteers and other Habitat homeowners, in addition to paying an affordable mortgage and receiving financial education.
Habitat for Humanity follows a nondiscriminatory policy of family selection. Neither race nor religion is a factor in choosing Habitat’s homeowners.
Does Habitat for Humanity only build new houses?
Habitat for Humanity of Bulloch County creates new decent, affordable housing.
• Currently our local affiliate only builds new construction.
• Habitat for Humanity International helps people repair and improve their own homes and neighborhoods.
• Habitat’s Disaster Response works with local communities to address a variety of housing needs after natural disasters.
• Habitat’s advocacy work raises awareness and support for decent and affordable housing around the world.
• Outside of North America, Habitat works with partner organizations to serve even more families through innovative financing methods.
How do you volunteer for Habitat for Humanity?
There are many ways to volunteer. Visit our Volunteer section to learn how to:
• Volunteer locally
• Travel and build
• Volunteer long-term
• Volunteer as part of a group
• Volunteer as part of a special event
What are Habitat for Humanity affiliates?
Habitat for Humanity affiliates are local Habitat for Humanity organizations that act in partnership with and on behalf of Habitat for Humanity International.
Each Habitat affiliate coordinates all aspects of Habitat home building in its local area.
What kind of donations does Habitat for Humanity accept?
Habitat depends on financial donations to fund our work. These donations help families build a place they can call home. Visit our Donation page to learn more.
We also have local home improvement stores called Habitat ReStores, which sell reusable and surplus building materials, furniture and appliances to the public. The money made from these sales is used to help families build a better future. To donate materials or schedule a pick-up, contact our local Habitat ReStore at (912) 489-2076, extension 205.
What is a Habitat for Humanity ReStore?
Habitat for Humanity ReStores are nonprofit home improvement stores and donation centers that sell new and gently used furniture, home accessories, building materials and appliances to the public at a fraction of the retail price. Habitat for Humanity ReStores are owned and operated by local Habitat for Humanity affiliates, and proceeds are used to build strength, stability and self-reliance locally and around the world.
Where does Habitat for Humanity operate?
Habitat for Humanity operates in nearly 1,400 communities across the U.S. and in over 70 countries around the world. Our operational headquarters are located in Americus, Georgia, and our administrative headquarters are in Atlanta, Georgia, USA.
How are donations distributed and used?
Habitat for Humanity International relies on gifts from individuals, corporations and other groups to help families in need of decent and affordable homes around the world. All donations of any amount are deeply appreciated.
Designated donations are allocated in support of the U.S. affiliate, national organization or program of the donor’s choosing.
Undesignated gifts are invested through the Global Impact Fund where they can have the greatest impact.
Habitat’s Global Impact Fund helps:
• Design and replicate innovative programs to serve more low-income families.
• Build the capacity of our network of U.S. affiliates and national organizations.
• Cover other costs necessary to ensure that Habitat fulfills its mission with excellence.
Donations to Habitat for Humanity of Bulloch County stay in Bulloch county to build houses for local families.
How does Habitat for Humanity work with the government?
Habitat asks legislators and housing regulators to increase support for affordable homeownership and decent housing.
Habitat monitors public policies related to housing, community and international development.
Habitat advocates for policies that will increase access to decent, affordable housing available to people around the world.
Habitat accepts government grants as long as they have no conditions that would violate our principles or limit our ability to proclaim our Christian identity.
Is Habitat for Humanity a Christian organization?
Yes, we are a global nonprofit, ecumenical Christian housing organization. All who desire to be a part of this work are welcome, regardless of religious preference or background. We have a policy of building with people in need regardless of race or religion. We welcome volunteers and supporters from all backgrounds.
Contact Us
215 Savannah Avenue
P.O. Box 1253
Statesboro, Georgia 30458
Office Hours
9 a.m. – 4 p.m.
Office: (912) 489-2076
Our Staff
Kathy Jenkins, Executive Director
Ext.101 | director@habitatbulloch.org
Marcus Toole, Community Outreach Coordinator
Ext.103 | volunteer@habitatbulloch.org
Aaron Marcinkevich, Construction Manager
Teqouya Tann, Advancing Black Homeownership Program Manager
Ext.104 | ttann@habitatbulloch.org
Lisa Napier, Administrative Assistant
Ext.102 | habitatoffice@habitatbulloch.org
We are pledged to the letter and spirit of U.S. policy for the achievement of equal housing opportunity throughout the nation. We affirm and support an affirmative advertising and marketing program in which there are no barriers to obtaining housing because of race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status, or national origin.